Annual Special Events

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

Each spring, our church hosts Vacation Bible School (VBS), a fun and faith-filled experience for children to learn about our awesome God! Through engaging lessons, music, crafts, and games, kids dive into Bible stories that teach them about God’s love, grace, and power. VBS is a special time for children to grow in their faith, make new friends, and create lasting memories in a joyful and uplifting environment.

Golf Tournament

Golf Tournament

[Coming Summer 2025] Our church’s annual golf tournament is more than just a day on the course—it’s a meaningful opportunity to build community and support a greater mission. While we enjoyed friendly competition and fellowship, the event also played a vital role in raising funds for our local evangelism fund, helping us reach and serve others with the love of Christ. Events like this strengthen our bonds as a church family and remind us that coming together in faith and fun can make a lasting impact in our community.

Live Nativity Event

Live Nativity Event

[Coming Fall 2025] Each Christmas, our church creates a Live Nativity Walk-Through, bringing the story of Christ’s birth to life. Visitors journey through a series of beautifully staged scenes, experiencing key moments—from the angel’s announcement to Mary, to the humble manger in Bethlehem. With live actors, animals, and scripture narration, this immersive experience allows guests to step back in time and witness the true meaning of Christmas in a powerful and memorable way.